Minutes DRAGON Group meeting, 30 April 2002 Present DO (recorder) MC AO ML JR LB DH AC SE PM DG AL 1. Minutes of previous meeting: adopted. 2. Jobs to be done before 10 May. a. BCM s repaired. Some discussion of how reproducable their locations are when removed and replaced. Decided that location is pretty good because of conflat flanges and bolts. b. Dog houses to be installed at slit locations. It was noted 15 microSieverts was measured at mass slit location during radioactive beam running. c. TP1/TP3 Pumping tube to be replaced by a larger aperture one. There was a discussion of custom made heavy metal shielding for the neck at the gamma array, but not before 10 May. 3. Discussion of runs just completed. In spite of very limited beam due to Cyclotron and ISAC problems, it is felt that the group has brought a successful conclusion to the 212 KeV resonance runs. This running has confirmed that the resonance kicks in lower than the literature value. We have new data at 850, 857, 871 and 880 keV. There may be an indication of the resonance at higher energy than seen before, but SE cautioned that previous online results also seemed to come at a higher energy than the fully analyzed result. There were 3 runs at 857 keV that displayed a consistency between the elastics and the beta monitor within ~2 percent. This may give confidence that the beta monitor could be a backup for the elastics. [see attached] JR report on DRAGON Midas Acquision system: a. JR gave the group instructions on how to change ODB variables. These instructions are in the computer section of the No Panic book. The ODB variables need to be checked at the beginning of a running period. There is a good probability that they will be wrong -- left over from calibration runs with beam off. b. 2 culprits are prescale factors and CFD thresholds. The prescale /Equipment/gTrigger/Settings/Prescale_factor is set at 1 for stable beam but at 50 or larger for radioactive beams. It is better to err on the side of too large as we haven't made much use of it anyway. /Equipment/gTrigger/Settings/CFD_Thresholds should be ~2 MeV. A clue of wrong settings is a huge peak at low energies as Spectrum 1000. Correct threshold settings for 2 MeV have been determined and saved in /data0 as 200thresh.odb; get them by the "ODBEdit" button on the MIDAS Netscape interface and type "load 200thresh". (Other thresholds are available in files with names beginning with 100x the desired threshold.) An indication of wrong ODB values is the disc filling too quickly. A normal run uses 50 Mb of disc. With wrong thresholds or prescale numbers, disc usage can go to 100 Mb in 1/2 hour. [see attachment for JR's "Quicky Tutorial"]