Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 27 April 2004. Present: Cybele Jewett (CJ), Mike Lamey (ML), Mike Trinczek (MT), John D'Auria (JDA), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Goertz Ruprecht (GR), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), Chris Ruiz (CR), Dario Gigliotti (DG), Peter Mchule (PM), Art Olin (AO), Jonty Pearson (JP) - recorder 1. Correction to Previous Minutes: DH - There may be a correction regarding the number of current integrators used with DRAGON - FCCH, FC1 and FC4. JDA - Mystery person distributing scientific papers is JDA. 2. Facility Status: DFOT - Smaller pumping tubes are now all in place, replacing the larger ones used for LB's 12C(a,g)16O experiment. DH - ED1 and ED2 appear to be conditioning well and are at a higher voltage than has ever been previously seen. CR - Ion chamber is installed. Isobutane has been purged from the system. Electronics are installed up to the main DAQ electronics racks. Alpha source is in place to test signals. All amplifiers need gain matching, and online spectra still need to be created. - CR also wants to know whether we will be running with an IC pressure of 8T, now that we have the smaller pumping tubes. - Slides showing the ranges of selected Al, Si and Mg ions are shown for the 363 keV resonance in 26Al - see attachment ion_ranges.pdf. - The 55 ug/cm2 German windows are going to be used with the chamber. - CR will organise a personnel schedule. JP - The grids have been removed from the elastic monitors - we will see if this has any effect on the EM spectra. DG - The lead shielding around the pumping tubes situated at the BGO array should be removed and the pipes replaced by those made from a thicker/heavier metal to provide the shielding instead. 3. Report on DRAGON BGO Left-Right Asymmetry: DH - Current results from the left-right steering tests taken during LB's 12C(a,g)16O experiment. Runs used were long ones taken when MT was on shift. The idea is to compare this to what GEANT produces. The slides shown are attached as l-r_steering.pdf. The slides attempt to show that there is a difference in the BGO hit pattern for tunes with +/- 5 mm tunes. MT - GEANT simulations have now been moved over to Westgrid. MT will prepare some slides for next week's meeting. 4. 12C(a,g)16O Meeting Announced: LB - Announces a meeting concerning the 12C(a,g)16O experiment for Thursday to prepare for the next EEC meeting. 5. Dealing with New Summer Students: JDA - Do we have enough computers/stations for each of the 4 new students? PM thinks so. Possible projects may be (with likely person responsible which may not be official supervisor): i. 21Ne(p,g)22Na work ii. 26Al(p,g)27Si work with CR iii. BGO array work with DG - possibly to find high energy efficiency of the array using a reaction such as 12C(p,g)14N iv. 12C(a,g)16O data analysis with LB v. Silicon detector work with AH or AO vi. Possible ROOT project with JEP 6. Beams Status: JDA - Possible to have 19Ne from the ECR but this is unlikely. Next big experiment is therefore the 26Al experiment which is likely to run in July. 7. Run-Plan Presentation by CJ: CJ - 21Na(p,g)22Mg run plan is shown on slides attached as cj_run_plan.pdf.