Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 25 April 2006. Present: Christof Vockenhuber (CV), Chuck Davis (CD), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), Jac Caggiano (JAC), Jonty Pearson (JEP), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Peter Machule (PM), Alison Laird (AL), Mike Trinczek (MT) - recorder. 1. Previous minutes: Accepted with no corrections. 2. Business arising: DFOT - IG32 has been replaced. There is at least one additional 2-filament replacement available. If there is only one extra, a second will be ordered. DFOT - FCM2 is indeed connected and passes continuity test. JAC - Victor Verzilov could lend us a 50 mm^2 SB detector to act as our second elastic monitor. Will make sure correct cable (micro-dot or SMA) is used. Plan is to install on Monday 1 May before the 12C run. PM - We are only using 1 of the 20 possible thermocouple channels. DH agrees several should be used to monitor the gas-target pumps. PM will implement. 3. Prep for 12C(a,g) next week: MT - DSSSD still needs to be installed. Focus will be on mapping out 4+ resonance from ~1050 to 1110 keV/u in 2 keV/u steps to obtain yield and width. LB will provide figure of previous data for comparison. Estimate ~1000 counts/hour for 4 Torr target pressure at maximum yield. Once energy of maximum yield has been established, we will continue with acceptance measurements. The Iris may be used to collimate the incoming beam; it can be comfortably closed down to 2.3 mm diameter. We will also look at determining the yield from the BGO array and performing CSD measurements. Agreement between TUDA and DRAGON for the "extra" beam time between the two runs: TUDA will continue on Monday and hand beam to DRAGON 8am Tuesday. 4. Prep for Ti CSD measurements: CV - Would like to have the same conditions as for the Ca run, i.e., small pumping tubes, CSB installed. This can be set up during Keerthi's OLIS beam development time. 5. EPICS: DH - Has submitted request for Controls to implement the prevention of FCF being pulled out if the measured current exceeds 30 pA. Discussion. It is not clear what happens if the EPICS display is on the wrong scale. He will investigate. Also, FCM cannot be pulled out unless FCF is in or the measured current is less than 30 pA. A red flag will appear on the menu if any beam-blocking device (FCs, BCMs, GVs, profile monitor) is in. 6. DRAGON Scaling page: JEP has suggested a simpler page. See attachment. The main issue is the confusion arising from having to first save and then reload a tune before it can be scaled. We need to get rid of this and simpler is better. DH will ask Rolf Keitel what is "easy" and "difficult" to change with the operation of the scaling page. We want to be able to delete old, wrong tunes. JAC proposes that DRAGON users only have to input E,M,Q and perhaps turn Q1 and Q2 off and on. Given a proper DRAGON starting tune, once the beam is correctly tuned through the target by OPS, there should be no need to touch any steerers, etc, on a regular basis. We would waste less time tuning beam. There would be a SuperUser mode for fixes. Much discussion about Utopia ensues, but it is agreed that we need to improve our system and will pursue this. DH will write up what he envisions happening on a short time scale and will circulate it before submission to Rolf. 7. AOB JAC - The strong Yale source is ready (even the paperwork!) to be shipped. JAC - Ceramics company states their kiln broke with our parts inside and apologizes. They still claim that they think they can produce what we desire, though no new date has been suggested. AL - TUDA again thanks DRAGON for the energy measurements during their run. A 15 min summary of their beamtime will be presented at next week's DRAGON meeting.