Minutes: 22 April 2003 Present: JR, JD, HO, AC, AO, CW, CR, SE, AB, ML, ZL, LB, WL, DO, DG and DH. Recorder: CJ -There was a brief discussion regarding that fact that lin01 was getting full, and files needed to be moved or deleted. -Since the new scaling routine works, we shall use it instead of the old routine. -LB noted that people are neglecting to record important numbers like gas target pressure readings and FC4 currents in the logbook. -JR recommends that people type the gs target pressure, beam energy, FC4 current, etc. in the comment line when starting a run. -CR noted that the new tune scaling program provided bad NMR settings. DH said that the poor settings were probably due to use of a poor reference tune. -It was suggested that we all agree on a good reference tune, and write its filename on the white board in the counting room. -AO is leaving until 24 May. -DH and HO recommended that when we change energies, we should begin tuning by recalling a "gold standard" reference tune. -JR analysed the energies of the gammas that cascades and ground state transitions produced. +He displayed three figures, all of which are attached to the minutes. The first figure (attachment 1) contained several offline spectra of the cg0 E. The second (attachment 2) was a plot of Beam EreQ (MeV/u) versus gamma-yield per (FCM2*P)(counts*torr)-1 for 12 C(a,g)16O. The third (attachment 3) was of several off-line spectra of cg0 E x cg1 E. +There was a discussion of the distribution of gamma energies for various possibilities of direct and gamma-cascade transition combination. -Future plans for 12C +We have 10 more days of 12C beam. +JR would like to look at the left side of the resonance (E < 1.05 MeV/u). +LB recommended that we try to run at two energies per day. He said that if you can obtain an energy change by noon, that you should request another change at 7 or 8 pm. +LB suggested we measure the charge state distributions for the 12C beam and for the recoils at the 2+ state. +DH said that, since ED2 is not conditioned for it, that measurements for q = 5+ would be difficult. +LB predicted that we should get about 20 0 counts in 2 hours. He said that at the top of the resonance curve, he would like to obtain 3,000 to 6,000 counts. +Next week, we may consider installing the MCP, and moving to lower energies. -HO and JR fixed the elastics with a mesh that produces a field-free region. They also changed the voltage to 40 V to pull back the elections. -WL presented his proposal for the 11C(p,g)12N experiment. A copy of his presentation is attached (attachment 4) to the minutes.