DRAGON Group minutes 15 Apr 2008 Present: GR, CR, DO, DH, CD, LB, LE, PM, CV, PB, UH (rec) Hardware * ED2 problems: cf. PM's elog entries, update 17.04.: ED2 seems to be working again * gas target: there is a leak problem, DO will exchange the o-ring * mesh attenuator: still needs some machining, DO working on it * final slit box vacuum - 5e-7 Torr - rate of rise between IC and valve is 5 mtorr/min - 1 um Mylar window seems to be ok * MCP voltage dividers are assembled. - update 18.04.: it appears that when the 4.9 kV are applied there are sparks and the mirrors don't work. Apllying 4 kV seems to work, and coincidences with the IC are seen * the new baby turbo works and is very fast. It might need a fan for cooling (reached 40). The implementation in EPICs showsa wrong maximum speed. Software: * LE wrote a programme to automatically insert and read Hebt2:FC4, DRA:FC1 and DRA:FCCH. It was tested with stable beam. - The programme currently stops the MIDAS run to take values, but this could be changed to pause/resume if the run time in the runlog is reliable. - It takes about 20 s for the FC reading to reach a plateau. - FC4 has an offset. * some interlocks are missing in EPICS Electronics * got a new NIM crate from Grant, we now have all the electronics needed for the run AOB * CR will be at a conference next week