DRAGON meeting minutes: April 15, 2003 Present: DFOT, JR, PM, DH, H.O.Meyer, SE, ZL, AO, W.Liu, CR(scribe), AL, DG, LB, CN, JDA, CW Minutes of previous meeting accepted Facility Update: According to ISAC Operations, the replacement of the RFQ tube is on track and beam is expected tomorrow (Wednesday 16th) evening. Current Run Status 12C(a,g)16O LB:- Preliminary excitation functions were shown for both cascade & ground state. In general OK. More information on efficiency is required. Ratio of Coinc./Recoil singles drops with increasing E; not understood. Could be beam contamination (16O)? DH:- Showed plots of recoil singles vs. beam energy. Shows strange behaviour (see figs.) Singles seem to have higher E centroid than coincidents. Could be backward gammas? Also, singles not centered in DSSSD, but coincident recoils are. Possibility of contamination from O again. A possible route for contamination through the separator was speculated. Could slits be too wide? The possibility of using the MCP to reduce this problem was mentioned. LB:- Run plan is to continue up to higher energies. The 4+resonance should be reached by weekend. Next week should be well into 2+ resonance. When hit 2+ resonance, could do some diagnostical exercises. Harware/Software Issues JR:- The elastic monitor spectrum is still not fully understood. The two higher energy peaks seem to shift amplitude with beam current. No explanation for two peaks known. Rate of peaks doesn't scale with flux, only the pulse height scales with flux. Could be induced charge on detector. JR will insert a grid in front of detector before Tomorrow night. AO suggested looking on oscilliscope at elastic signals. H.O.M suggested problem could be light. JR responded detector is supposed to be light tight. If peaks persist after addition of grid, some tests could be done with light. 21Na(p,g)22Mg data analysis CN:- Looked at new cuts on gamma energy vs. recoil TOF for 775 keV/u run. New cut extended down in gamma energy. Target distribution looks better, and two peaks are seen in resulting gamma energy spectrum; possible cascades ie, branching ratio info there. New cuts on 583 keV/u not as promising. New cut on gamma energy and cut on recoil energy. Mean z position still not good; resonance at back of target. SE will do an independent check on 583 keV/u data. Other business The prospect of Monte-Carlo simulations taking into account gamma angular distributions and target effects was discussed. It was noted that XSLITC should be kept open at 30mm not 25mm.