DRAGON Minutes 13 April 2004 Present: DFOT, DH, CJ (recorder), GR, ML, LB, AO, JP, DG, MT, JD, CR FAC Status: LB said that we do not have charge state distribution equilibrium. DH: As we went from a target pressure of 1 to 4 torr, FCM increased by a factor of 10. At 4 torr, we are far from having a charge state equilibrium. With an input beam charge state of 3+, at P=0 torr, the average q = 3+. At P=1 torr, the average q = 4+, and at P=4 torr, the average q = 5+. AO: A new logging system logs the readings, such as pressure, on devices. DH presented a plot of integrated CCD spot luminosity and FCM2 over time for the first 10k seconds of runs 12037 and 12038. The runs were with 12C in He. DH said that the light output in the CCD may be proportional to the current, and hence, the CCD intensity could be another measure of beam intensity. FCM2's scaler goes into the electronic log. Hardware failures: CR found that if you click on a histogram in PAW, the screen goes blank for about 3 seconds. MT found that FCCH pops out on its own, and AO mentioned the fact that if one tries to insert FCM, it will pop out because it moves in too slowly for the timeout limit. Other facility issues: DH has asked Rolf to remove the obsolete tune scaling page from EPICS. AO suggested that we re-label the "Save Reference Parameters" as "Edit Reference Parameters". JD asked if there is a nice, detailed description of how to use the scaling routine, and said that we need to have one. CR volunteered to write a description. JD asked whether or not we need to worry about the 21Na+p data with respect to charge state equilibrium. JD asked whether the FC4 reading is jumpy because of the cup or the beam? AO's answer was that it is the FC4 integration time that causes the jumpiness. 12C(a,g) plan: LB wants to request a 6 keV/u decrease in beam energy. DH: We are 5 keV short of being able to use ED1 and ED2. JD: The plan for the week is to continue to measure the rest of the excitation function. We should tune the beam with the prescription of the day, and center it if we get the same results at the same energy. This is for the ±5 mm experiment. An extensive discussion ensued about possible errors that result from not being able to steer the beam all the way through the DRAGON, and what to do about it. The electric dipoles cannot reach a high enough voltage to steer the beam at its run energy. The slowness in the conditioning of ED1 is due to X-rays and limits on its current. There was a discussion on how best to condition the ED's in less time. DH: ED2 seems to lose its conditioning faster than ED1, however, it also seems to recover more quickly, too. ML suggested that that might be because ED2 is closer to the end of the DRAGON where the vacuum is not as good. We cannot get the ED's to a high enough voltage to see the 1- state. AO suggested that we do a long 2+ run without changes, and then finish the mis-steering tests. People should check the whiteboard in the counting room for updates on the 12C(a,g) run plan. LB and JD: Three more energy points remain to be done. After completing them, we should return to E = 1.45 MeV/u. At that energy, we can do mistuning tests. If there is time, we can perform measurements at other energies. The run with 12C will end on Tuesday. GEANT News: Flags in GEANT enable one to choose between a solid and a gas target. MT is using wesgrid instead of ibm00. AO is GEANT, through Raytrace, includes the field clamps and fringe fields in the simulation. Radioactive beam plans: CR presented a slide detailing beam and recoil energies, and predictions of their energy losses in the gas target, mylar window, and ion chamber. He would like to use the ion chamber along with the PGAC or MCP. CR plans to run at the 360 keV resonance, and will perform more Monte Carlo simulations. JD asked CR what his test runs are meant to accomplish. CR said that they are meant to determine the separation ability of the IC at this resonance, and to give an indication of the level of contamination that will appear in the spectra. CJ suggested that we use the IC when we run with 21Na, so that we do not need to switch from the DSSSD to IC when we switch from 21Na to 26Al in May. JD: CJ and CR need to determine what size the 21Na and 26Al beam spots will be when they reach the end detectors. JD: We will try to run with both 21Na and 26Al, and use the IC in mid-May. ML: If we use the IC, can we set up the MCP and IC; i.e. do we have enough electronics for both detectors? The IC contains five anodes and a cathode. JP said that changing the PAW histograms should be fairly easy. Christof Volcanhuber will join us in a few weeks. Jack Hagana will not join us for a month. 3