Minutes of DRAGON Meeting for April 9, 2002 Present: JR, AC, DO, DH, MC, CW, AO, UG, PM, DG(recorder) 1) Previous Minutes -item 2 had a misspell in "initial" -item 3 had a misspell in "discrepancy" 2) Status of Beam -2nA available, 5+ Ne, right now -problems with the ion source persist -cyclotron beam delivered late Thursday or Friday 3) DRAGON Status -key transfer for fence locks is in place -procedure is that all keys should be in the box and then the master key is to be taken to operations -MCP documentation is prepared and is available in the DRAGON binders -MCP motor control testing is to be done -Target and Vacuum are ready -Electronics -JR is looking into pulse shape discriminating for betas in the elastics -tests need to be carried out with RIB -Q10 power supply has been switched back to the one in which the reading is off by 40%. -current values need to be adjusted accordingly 4) Beam Time Run Plan See Email Sent out by DH on April 8 titled : "Draft DRAGON run plan for April" -following are corrections and main points Na21 (822 keV) -determine thickness of target -measure resonance width and determine if resonance curve is Breit Weigner or exotic -outer points may need to be determined later depending on how the shape is appearing (eg 875 or 880?) -2 hours runs will be sufficient for this energy -gamma coincidences will be recorded for all runs this time Na21 (212 keV) -determine thickness of target -when checking the elastic monitor thresholds be sure to only make changes to the thresholds using the the Tenelec discriminator NOT the amplifier -slits could be left all the way open because gamma coincidences are to be taken and resulting suppression will already be high enough Na21 (330 keV) -energy expected at 335keV and energy asked for should be 361 keV -the pumps need to be observed (eg. rpms) for undesireable running characteritics when used at the higher pressure of 9.5 Torr Misc Points -beam should be centred before changing to smaller apertures -an energy of 276 keV should be asked for and our settings and results for previous runs should be cross calibrated -continue to run with buncher off -proposal by DH to do proton acceptance by seperator using Rutherford scattering -pedestals and discriminators should be set as low as possible 5) Other Business -paw backing store on new isdaq machines OS's has been turned on -PS viewer available on isdaq's is the kde ps viewer called "kghostview" -Netscape Midas interface to midmes01 was not connecting as of today