Minutes from April 8th Dragon Meeting in attendance: CR, DH, DO, CV, LB, PM, PB, UH 1) A.O.B.: 22Na Experiment: 22Na ladders and targets are ready from U of W April 21st, 1st run for two weeks, several Dragon people may want to go down for run Budget: - $ 14,000 carry over from last year, officially only $ 6,000 in equipment budget for 2008/2009 For items in 2008/2009 recommend that Dragon group purchase equipment early 33S Experiment: Chris tried to get guarantee from SciDiv that if they cannot deliver 33S for August, then it will be scheduled early in Fall. CIAE Students/Post-Docs: Need to sort out scheduling and then visa letters for CIAE visitors (Chris) 2) Hardware: Power supplies: power supplies have been unlocked for running dial gauge: given back to beamlines (Peter) Vacuum: tests nearly completed, minor equipment additions underway (Peter) Christof has been pumping down since last friday, blank off on Faraday cup needed to be seated. Dave H. notes that vacuum better by 15% in past 24 hours ¨C Christof pumping at higher rate. Peter noted that turbopumps failed when the pumping rate is increased. Christof noted that all internal connections have been made. Also, care must be taken when venting. Interlocks: Need to be careful with interlock states, especially with safety interlocks. EPICS: Need to be completed, updated and tested. Peter noted that some existing operational interlocks don't seem to be working properly, eg. Some pump and valve interlocks. Targets: Chris noted that perhaps now is the time to do the gas target work. Auxilliary detectors: Ulrike noted there are problems with four of the NIM Bins. (one has a malfunctioning fan which Peter will try to repair). Need two working NIM Bins. Crystals are being tested and measured. Need some electronics (in the past the electronics were borrowed). 3) New Proposal: A new proposal by Anuj for 26Al will soon being circulated. Is there going to be a summer EEC? 4) A.O.B. II: Beam Status: Dave H. has sounded out for beam in the next few weeks. Perhaps in an evening ... 1.5 MeV/u of 22Ne? Dragon might be ready for beam in a few days. ED2 Ion Pump?: What is the ED2 Ion Pump refurbishment status? Laser tests of meshes: Laser tests of meshes presently underway ¨C measured 1e-5 attenuation.