DRAGON meeting minutes April 8,2003 Present: DFOT, DH, SE, CR, DG, LB, CN, JDA, AO, JR, Weiping Liu, ML(Thoth). Minutes of previous meeting accepted. Hardware and software updates: DH: FCM2 proved to be within 3-4mm of expected position, we will rely on it since the elastics aren't very "healthy". They respond to the beam but their shape is not well understood, see figure. DH/DFOT: The problem with the automatic control of the backing pump was fixed, it will be tested tomorrow. AO: There have been a couple of changes to the scaling program due to some bugs.Saving a run is now more explicit. The change over from beam to recoils is also different, there is a new "button" beam -->--> recoils which will not change the magnets. The bug concerning strange ED values popping up occasionally is now fixed. DH: ED1 loses its conditioning rapidly, it had been conditioned above 130KV and we were running around 96KV it now conditions around 120KV. Thus in between runs, and whenever possible, the ED's should be conditioned. DH: Drawings for the new solid target to be used in the 12C + 12C reaction have been made and sent to the machine shop. AO: There are some problems with the current ODB It is writing very large history files. There is an earlier version of epics on it. There is a power supply not being used. There is a problem with a driver. These items along with the difficulty of making changes to the language written by Peter Green are conspiring to give us problems. Current Run Status: LB: We are running with a typical beam on target of 160enA (3+). We are chugging along and have ran at beam energies of 1.07, 1.08 1.09 1.10 and are currently at 1.11MeV/u. The data so far looks OK except for a couple of puzzles. There are two peaks in the elastics monitor both of which are beam related. Joel has tested various collimators but the two peaks prevail in all cases. There also exists a puzzle in the singles and coincidence spectra. There is a small lower energy "blimp" which occurs in both spectra, the cause of this will be tracked down and brought to justice. The beam suppression looks quite good, as might be expected with a helium target. However the still exists some low energy "grass" which also needs to be explained. LB: We eventually want to reach the 4+ and 2+ resonances. We will start moving in bigger steps soon once we get off resonance and the cross section levels out. LB: The goal for each run is of the order 600 counts in the coincidence gamma spectrum. This number is needed in order to reproduce the angular distribution with a reasonable error. Other business arising: DH: Hans-Otto Meyer (Indiana University) will be joining us for two weeks starting next Monday. JDA: 21Na(p,g)22Mg status: 2 papers have to be written, SE has drafted a commissioning paper and SB wants to write the "big paper". Elizabeth (a.k.a. CN) and JDA have started to analyze the data, and have preliminary numbers for wg. A section on the gamma array is needed, DG has finished classes and cant wait to get started on this. SE: Gave a practice talk of her ISAC student seminar.