Minutes of DRAGON Meeting of April 5, 2005 Present: CR, MT, JD'A (recorder replacement), LB, GR, PM, DH, AO, CV, DFOT, JP, MH, BG, TK 1. Minutes of 03/29/05 meeting reviewed and approved with no changes. 2. Business arising: -Outstanding ACTION items       a. Documentation still needed on Web page for undocumented circuit breaker on TP Control system It was decided to generate some information on this item but it needs to be restricted to selected individuals b. Status of Beam Transmission through HEBT (ISAC 2) Dipole Magnet at Low Energies This item needs further study before communicating to ISAC people. 3. Information Items a. TRIUMF Cycltron working now and new beam schedule has been circulate and is available on the WEB. 4. DRAGON Hardware a. The latest version of the SiN CSB seems to work in an acceptable fashion as demonstrated in Ca/Ar run. Eddie Knight and DFOT are remaking the operational system and it will be ready in a few days. b. The Charge X slits seem to be working improperly when they are closed (<2 mm) and then moved horizontally for checking beam positioning after MD1. One slit moves slowly or not at all when moved together. The best method to check the actual position is to look at them in-situ. c. The 30 degree elastics Si detector has been removed to allow for space to install the special operational system for the SiN CSB. 5. STABLE Beams a. The Ca40(alpha, gamma) study  (see attached figures also) -preliminary summary of Ar 40 run circulated by DH and CV (with agenda) -CV showed various figures related to charge state distribution from the reposition SiN CSB foil. …..Looks acceptable now -SiN CSB not well aligned with respect to beam and cell leading to some losses in transmission -the revised IC (fewer and longer anodes, 10 cm 10 cm 5 cm) and with preamps inside seem to work well -leaky beam shows very unusual cycle timing(~ 600 ms) -energy loss measured in IC seems off from SRIM estimates -beam time this week will be using Ca40 beam and looking for beam contamination and possibly recoils -CV will put together a personnel schedule and a detailed run plan. b. MT gave a short report on the status of the Ne20 data analysis. Basically the date is looking more reasonable (i.e. width of the level seems ok) but further analysis needed. 6. AOB 1. TOPICS for meeting next week include Preliminary plans for H3 Experiment     Preliminary plans for Al26(p,gamma) Preliminary discussion on how to spend reduced funds received from NSERC for electronic equipment 2. Commissioning Paper sent off to NSERC 7. Comments from DRAGON Operations in Ne Run a. Charge X-slit may not be moving properly as it was noticed that it was going slowly to new positions and perhaps not getting to new positions. It may be a matter of the method of control system but will be checked again. The proper operation is to do Calibration is not sure. b. Connection on water flow for cooling TP on gas target broke off leading to a flood. It has been fixed. c. Major blackout during run at ~3am on Sunday. MT was able to get all units back on but there was a problem with undocumented circuit breaker on TP control systems. DFOT get it going (with a comb) but this need some type of documentation on web page ACTION item d. FCM bias goes off when closed and it would be good if it was turned on automatically when FCM is inserted. The same can be said for FCCH. This needs some attention in EPICS system by RB ACTION item e. Pumping on cryopump for ED2 very slow. DFOT mentioned that there is a serious leak in turbo connection piping and needs fixing..ACTION item f. Apparently the various displays for different device operations sometime appear on the computer behind other displays and hard to know. JP will fix this part of the video system. ACTION item 8. Results from DRAGON 20Ne(p,gamma) study a. From the prospective of operations, the run was successful as all experimental objectives were achieved and data obtained. There were some tuning problems at times but energy changes did go somewhat smoothly. Beam energies disagree with Prague magnet is a different way now. Slits needed to be reinstalled at Prague magnet. b. An initial quick analysis of the results do indicate some possible problems with some aspects of the data, e.g. energy of the resonance is off from literature value, and the observed width of resonance may be off slightly. A more detailed and careful analysis of all data needed especially given possible problem with Charge Slit as mentioned above. 9. Future Runs a. CV presented a tentative outline of a game plan for the first 40Ca++ run which will probably happen in either 10 days or later depending upon on stable beam schedule. See attached for outline and some related graphs. Meeting adjourned at 11:35 am