DRAGON Meeting 4 April, 2006 Recorder: CD 1) There were no corrections to the previous minutes. 2) Status of the 40Ca(a,g) run - There were troubles with OLIS during the past week. Sunday evening: A problem with the energy tune not being what was asked for (-8 keV). - The leaky beam rate has changed a lot (less than previously). There was a discussion of possible changes in beam due to a change in the stripper foil. - Surface barrier detector (SB1) was replaced. - R-value changes (jumps) ~2000 --> ~5000 as we were going down in energy. - The latest data on the excitation function was presented. - DH & Bob L had not yet come to an exact agreement as to when Bob would do his tests (i.e., take our beam away), nor for how long. This is apparently related to a lack of safety approval (LB). - DH: What to measure next? If we keep getting points (<750 keV?) at the 10**(-13) level, would that still make a contribution? Do we continue below the ~690 keV point (resonance)? More data at ~820? CV: We have one energy (~975) with 13+, 14+, 15+ charge state data. Should we get more? 3) Acceptance -alpha analysis A comparison between data & Geant as a function of Quad setting was presented (JP). Still working on discrepancies. -possible measurement with beam (MT) Will talk about the possibility of `auto-tweaking' feed-back with Christof & Jonty. May not be too hard to implement. System like this is used in Vienna. Should double-check 12C(alpha,gamma) at 4+ resonance. 4) AOB - CR (not present): solicits comments about Al paper. - Ceramic tubes for ED1: JC had a buyer contact Morgan Advanced Ceramics about our order (due delivery date has just passed). They now say April 27th. Summer student arrival: Evan beginning of May Joel ~week later We should work on clear definitions for their major projects. Also, a possible master's student to work part time on acceptance (from Alan Chen)? We should order more surface barrier detectors. DH to look into ordering the right kind. 5) Items for next week's meeting 40Ca experiment.