Minutes of the DRAGON Meeting 1 April, 2008 (No Fooling!) Present: CD, DO, CV, LB, DH, CR, UH, LE , PM, PB 0) The previous minutes were apparently not considered as a fit topic of discussion and are, therefore, approved as is. 1) Upgrade status/hardware Slit Box is sealed up with all new parts and is to be leak tested. -CR First step in BGO calibration is okay; second step has problems with histogram handling, scale is blown up. -L Problem with defaults? -CR But BGO's were all working. -L Problem with CFD NIM Bin 12V PS discussed (again). Everything present for vacuum tests. CR Interlock for MCP PS's should be resolved. CV Mirrors for MCP are in clean room with Grant Scheffer. Potentially by next week we could have everything in place and pumped out -- just leaving a few `controls' issues. -CR 2) Hardware required for auxiliary detectors Need to get auxiliary detectors and stand together before the arrival of the summer student(s). -CR We can kluge a stand. -DO Need extra electronics from GS. 3) 3He(a,g) New data consistent with previous? -CR DRAGON/ISAC advantages: recoil separation, windowless target. Long run required. Difficult to maintain beam tune and a consistent normalization. 2% measurement would be hard and nothing new compared to old data. 1% measurement would take a long time and be almost impossible given our systematics. -LB 4) 33S Situation with Supernanogan, not guaranteed 33S beam by August. -CR Can't guarantee 33S until source is commissioned -Keerthie. WeiPing[?] will buy a strip detector. -CR Must write invite letters for Chinese. -CR 5) 22Na Got some grant money, a `decent' amount. -CR Another run on 10 keV target to be done. -CR Everything is `in place'. -CR 6) A.O.B. We will ask if we can get some April beam time to test the DRAGON system. -CR Got the grant for PM. -LB Recv'd. second installment of DRAGON grant (inc. support for CV and UH). -DH Must be on ibm00 to modify DRAGON web pages. -DH New turbopump needs a backing connection in the line -- so must turn all turbopumps off -- 5 minutes. -DO