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00001 //  makeDragonTree.cxx
00103 #include <iostream>
00104 #include <iomanip>
00105 #include <string>
00107 #include <getopt.h>
00109 #include "TDragonRun.h"
00110 #include "TMidasEvent.h"
00111 #include "TDragonEvent.h"
00112 #include "TScalerEvent.h"
00113 #include "TEpicsEvent.h"
00115 using std::cout;
00116 using std::cerr;
00117 using std::endl;
00118 using std::hex;
00119 using std::setw;
00120 using std::vector;
00122 Int_t main(Int_t argc, Char_t **argv)
00123 {
00137   Int_t c;
00138   UInt_t loc;
00139   UInt_t nonOptions;
00140   string inFile;
00141   string outFile;
00142   string database;
00144   while (1) {
00145     //
00146     // possible command-line options
00147     //
00148     static struct option longOptions[] = {
00149       {"help",     0, 0, 'h'},
00150       {"infile",   1, 0, 'i'},
00151       {"outfile",  1, 0, 'o'},
00152       {"database", 1, 0, 'd'},
00153       {0, 0, 0, 0}
00154     };
00156     c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hi:o:d:", longOptions, 0);
00157     if (argc == 1)
00158       c = 'h';
00159     else if (c == -1)
00160       break;
00162     switch (c) {
00163     case 'i':
00164       inFile = optarg;
00165       break;
00167     case 'o':
00168       outFile = optarg;
00169       break;
00171     case 'd':
00172       database = optarg;
00173       break;
00175     default:
00176     case 'h':
00177       cout << "Usage: makeDragonTree infile [outfile] [database]"     << endl
00178            << "Utility to convert Dragon MIDAS data into ROOT trees." << endl
00179            << endl << "Options:"                                      << endl
00180            << "  -h, --help      print this help message"             << endl
00181            << "  -i, --infile    input MIDAS file to read"            << endl
00182            << "  -o, --outfile   output ROOT file to write"           << endl
00183            << "  -d, --database  which MySQL database to use"         << endl
00184            << endl
00185            << "For example, to convert run15.mid using hardware "     << endl
00186            << "information on, do:"         << endl << endl
00187            << "makeDragonTree run15.mid run15.root "
00188            << "mysql://"         << endl << endl
00189            << "Report bugs to <>."                     << endl;
00190       exit(0);
00191     }
00192   }
00194   //
00195   // now check to see what we have - use a little
00196   // intelligence to get the right options etc
00197   //
00198   nonOptions = argc - optind;
00199   if (! inFile.empty() && outFile.empty()) {
00200     outFile = inFile;
00201     loc = outFile.find_last_of(".");
00202     if (loc == string::npos)
00203       loc = outFile.size();
00204     outFile.replace(loc, outFile.size(), ".root");
00205   }
00206   if (nonOptions >= 4 || ! outFile.empty() &&
00207       inFile.empty() && nonOptions < 1) {
00208     cerr << "makeDragonTree: ERROR - incorrect input parameters" << endl;
00209     exit(0);
00210   } else if (nonOptions >= 1 && inFile.empty()) {
00211     inFile = argv[optind];
00212     if (nonOptions >= 2 && outFile.empty())
00213       outFile = argv[optind + 1];
00214     else if (outFile.empty()) {
00215       outFile = inFile;
00216       loc = outFile.find_last_of(".");
00217       if (loc == string::npos)
00218         loc = outFile.size();
00219       outFile.replace(loc, outFile.size(), ".root");
00220     }
00221     if (nonOptions >= 3 && database.empty())
00222       database = argv[optind + 2];
00223   }
00225   //
00226   // create a dragon run and set the modules to be expected in the data
00227   //
00228   TDragonRun dr;
00229   dr.OpenMidasFile(inFile.c_str());
00230   dr.OpenRootFile(outFile.c_str());
00231   //
00232   // we get then set here, this is so we can still use basic c-arrays
00233   // when all else fails...
00234   //
00235   vector<UShort_t> slots[4];
00236   if (! database.empty())
00237     dr.SetDatabase(database.c_str());
00238   dr.GetModules(&slots[0], "'Heavy-ion'", "'adc'");
00239   dr.GetModules(&slots[1], "'Heavy-ion'", "'tdc'");
00240   dr.GetModules(&slots[2], "'Gamma-ray'", "'adc'");
00241   dr.GetModules(&slots[3], "'Gamma-ray'", "'tdc'");
00242   dr.SetHiModules(&(slots[0].front()), slots[0].size(),
00243                   &(slots[1].front()), slots[1].size());
00244   dr.SetGrModules(&(slots[2].front()), slots[2].size(),
00245                   &(slots[3].front()), slots[3].size());
00247   Short_t eventId;
00248   Bool_t haveBor      = 0;
00249   Bool_t haveEor      = 0;
00250   ULong_t unknownN    = 0;
00251   ULong_t totalN      = 0;
00252   ULong_t epicsGoodN  = 0, epicsBadN  = 0;
00253   ULong_t dragonGoodN = 0, dragonBadN = 0;
00254   ULong_t scalerGoodN = 0, scalerBadN = 0;
00255   //
00256   // get all the handles we need from TDragonRun and
00257   // partition the gamma-ray detector vector so that the BGO's are first
00258   //
00259   while (dr.ReadMidasEvent()) {
00260     eventId = dr.GetMidasEvent()->GetEventId();
00261     //
00262     // comment this in if you want to dump some data to stdout and use
00263     // dr.SetDebug(1) or dr.SetDebug(0) to switch on or off text
00264     // output
00265     // dr.GetMidasEvent()->SetBankList();
00266     // dr.GetMidasEvent()->Print();    
00267     //
00268     switch (eventId) {
00269     case TDragonRun::kEV_DRAGON_G:
00270     case TDragonRun::kEV_DRAGON_H:
00271       totalN++;
00272       if (! dr.UnpackDragonEvent()) {
00273         dragonBadN++;
00274         cerr << "makeDragonTree: ERROR - cannot unpack dragon event "
00275              << dr.GetMidasEvent()->GetSerialNumber() << endl;
00276       } else {
00277         dragonGoodN++;
00278         dr.WriteTree();
00279         dr.GetDragonEvent()->Clear();
00280       }
00281       break;
00282     case TDragonRun::kEV_SCALER:
00283       totalN++;
00284       if (! dr.UnpackScalerEvent()) {
00285         scalerBadN++;
00286         cerr << "makeDragonTree: ERROR - cannot unpack scaler event "
00287              << dr.GetMidasEvent()->GetSerialNumber() << endl;
00288       } else {
00289         scalerGoodN++;
00290         dr.WriteTree();
00291         dr.GetScalerEvent()->Clear();
00292       }
00293       break;
00294     case TDragonRun::kEV_EPICS:
00295       totalN++;
00296       if (! dr.UnpackEpicsEvent()) {
00297         epicsBadN++;
00298         cerr << "makeDragonTree: ERROR - cannot unpack epics event "
00299              << dr.GetMidasEvent()->GetSerialNumber() << endl;
00300       } else {
00301         epicsGoodN++;
00302         dr.WriteTree();
00303         dr.GetEpicsEvent()->Clear();
00304       }
00305       break;
00306     case TDragonRun::kEV_BOR:
00307       cout << "Begin of run..." << endl;
00308       haveBor = true;
00309       break;
00310     case TDragonRun::kEV_EOR:
00311       cout << "End of run..."   << endl;
00312       haveEor = true;
00313       break;
00314     default:
00315       totalN++;
00316       unknownN++;
00317       cerr << "makeDragonTree: ERROR - unknown event id 0x" << hex << eventId
00318            << " with header:" << endl;
00319       dr.GetMidasEvent()->Print();
00320       break;
00321     }
00322     //
00323     // this deletes any previously allocated data
00324     //
00325     dr.GetMidasEvent()->Clear();
00326   }
00327   //
00328   // close files and then test root file
00329   //
00330   dr.CloseMidasFile();
00331   dr.CloseRootFile();
00332   if (! haveBor)
00333     cerr << "makeDragonTree: ERROR - no begin-of-run header,"
00334          << " file conversion may be incorrect"  << endl;
00335   if (! haveEor)
00336     cerr << "makeDragonTree: ERROR - no end-of-run header,"
00337          << " file conversion may be incomplete" << endl;
00338   dr.TestDragonTree();
00339   cout.fill(' ');
00340   cout << "Total events " << dec  << totalN   << ":" << endl
00341        << "Event type:    Good:     Bad:"     << endl
00342        << setw(11) << "dragon"    << setw(9)  << dragonGoodN
00343        << setw(9)  << dragonBadN  << endl
00344        << setw(11) << "scalers"   << setw(9)  << scalerGoodN 
00345        << setw(9)  << scalerBadN  << endl
00346        << setw(11) << "epics"     << setw(9)  << epicsGoodN
00347        << setw(9)  << epicsBadN   << endl
00348        << setw(11) << "unknown"   << setw(18) << unknownN << endl;
00349   return ! haveBor || ! haveEor;
00350 }

Generated on Mon Jan 8 11:54:31 2007 for DragonRoot by  doxygen