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TDetector Member List

This is the complete list of members for TDetector, including all inherited members.

Calibrate()=0TDetector [pure virtual]
Clear(const Char_t *="")TDetector [virtual]
fChannelsTDetector [private]
fCoordinatesTDetector [protected]
fEnergiesTDetector [protected]
fHitTDetector [protected]
FindHits(vector< THit > *) const TDetector [virtual]
fNameTDetector [private]
fTimesTDetector [protected]
GetChannels() const TDetector [inline]
GetCoordinates() const TDetector [inline]
GetEnergies() const TDetector [inline]
GetMaxEnergy() const TDetector
GetName() const TDetector [inline, virtual]
GetTimes() const TDetector [inline]
Hit(Bool_t)TDetector [inline]
IsHit() const TDetector [inline]
IsName(const Char_t *) const TDetector [inline]
operator=(const TDetector &)TDetector
PlotEnergies(TH2F *=0, const TCutG *=0, Bool_t=1) const TDetector [virtual]
PlotEvT(TH2F *=0, Float_t=0, const TCutG *=0, Bool_t=1) const TDetector [virtual]
PlotTimes(TH2F *=0, const TCutG *=0, Bool_t=1) const TDetector [virtual]
Print(const Char_t *="") const TDetector [virtual]
PrintData() const =0TDetector [pure virtual]
SetChannels(UInt_t)TDetector [inline]
SetCoordinates(Float_t, Float_t, Float_t)TDetector [inline]
SetName(const Char_t *)TDetector [inline]
TDetector(const Char_t *="", UInt_t=1)TDetector
TDetector(const TDetector &)TDetector
~TDetector()TDetector [virtual]

Generated on Mon Jan 8 11:54:33 2007 for DragonRoot by  doxygen