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00001 // TIcDetector.h.
00002 // author  JEP.
00003 // brief   TDetector class for the ion-chamber end-detector.
00004 // version 1.0.
00005 // date    October 2004.
00006 //
00007 #ifndef TICDETECTOR_H
00008 #define TICDETECTOR_H
00010 #include <vector>
00012 #include "THiDetector.h"
00014 using std::vector;
00016 class TIcDetector : public THiDetector {
00017 public:
00018   TIcDetector(const Char_t * = "", UInt_t = 3);
00019   virtual ~TIcDetector();
00020   virtual void Print(const Char_t * = "") const;
00021   virtual void SetSignals(const TSubEvent &);
00022   virtual void FindHits(vector<THit> *) const;
00023   virtual Bool_t PlotEvT(TH2F * = 0, Float_t = 0,
00024                          const TCutG * = 0, Bool_t = 1) const;
00025   Bool_t PlotHitPattern(TH2F * = 0, const TCutG * = 0, Bool_t = 1) const;
00026   Bool_t PlotAnodeSum(TH1F * = 0, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0, Bool_t = 1) const;
00027   Bool_t PlotEdE(TH2F * = 0, UShort_t = 0, UShort_t = 0,
00028                  const TCutG * = 0, Bool_t = 1) const;
00029 private:
00030   vector<string> fPlateNames;
00031 };
00033 #endif // TIcDetector.h

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