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00001 //  TGrCalibration.cxx.
00025 #include <iostream>
00026 #include <sstream>
00028 #include <TSQLRow.h>
00029 #include <TMySQLServer.h>
00030 #include <TMySQLResult.h>
00032 #include "TGrCalibration.h"
00034 using std::cerr;
00035 using std::cout;
00036 using std::endl;
00037 using std::stringstream;
00039 TGrCalibration::TGrCalibration(UInt_t channels)
00040   : fDatabase("mysql://localhost:3306/Online"),
00041     fAdc(channels), fLeTdc(channels), fCfTdc(channels)
00042 {
00049 }
00051 TGrCalibration::~TGrCalibration()
00052 {
00055 }
00057 void TGrCalibration::Clear(const Char_t *option)
00058 {
00062   fAdc.Clear();
00063   fLeTdc.Clear();
00064   fCfTdc.Clear();
00065   cout << "Clear: TGrCalibration cleared" << endl;
00066 }
00068 void TGrCalibration::Print(const Char_t *option) const
00069 {
00075   cout << "TGrCalibration:" << endl;
00076   cout << "ADC calibration: " << endl;
00077   fAdc.Print();
00078   cout << "LETDC calibration: " << endl;
00079   fLeTdc.Print();
00080   cout << "CFTDC calibration: " << endl;
00081   fCfTdc.Print();
00082 }
00084 void TGrCalibration::FindCalibration(const Char_t *detectorName)
00085 {
00091   TMySQLResult *result = GetDatabaseInfo(detectorName);
00093   if (result) {
00094     UShort_t channels = fAdc.GetChannels();
00095     if (static_cast<UInt_t>(result->GetRowCount()) != channels)
00096       cerr << "FindCalibration: WARNING - rows in database ("
00097            << result->GetRowCount()    << ") do not match number " << endl
00098            << "of expected channels (" << channels    << ") for detector "
00099            << detectorName << " - using default calibration" << endl;
00100     else if (result->GetFieldCount() != 13)
00101       cerr << "FindCalibration: WARNING - columns in database ("
00102            << result->GetFieldCount() << ") do not match number "  << endl
00103            << "of expected columns (13) for detector " << detectorName
00104            << " - using default calibration" << endl;
00105     else {
00106       for (Int_t i = 0; i < result->GetRowCount(); i++) {
00107         TSQLRow *row = result->Next();
00108         stringstream *fields = new stringstream[result->GetFieldCount()];
00109         for (Int_t i = 0; i < result->GetFieldCount(); i++)
00110           fields[i] << row->GetField(i);
00111         UShort_t detectorChannel;
00112         UShort_t adcMap;
00113         Short_t adcOffset;
00114         Float_t  adcGain;
00115         UShort_t adcHistogramChannel;
00116         UShort_t leTdcMap;
00117         Short_t leTdcOffset;
00118         Float_t  leTdcGain;
00119         UShort_t leTdcHistogramChannel;
00120         UShort_t cfTdcMap;
00121         Short_t cfTdcOffset;
00122         Float_t  cfTdcGain;
00123         UShort_t cfTdcHistogramChannel;
00124         fields[0]  >> detectorChannel;
00125         fields[1]  >> adcMap;
00126         fields[2]  >> adcOffset;
00127         fields[3]  >> adcGain;
00128         fields[4]  >> adcHistogramChannel;
00129         fields[5]  >> leTdcMap;
00130         fields[6]  >> leTdcOffset;
00131         fields[7]  >> leTdcGain;
00132         fields[8]  >> leTdcHistogramChannel;
00133         fields[9]  >> cfTdcMap;
00134         fields[10] >> cfTdcOffset;
00135         fields[11] >> cfTdcGain;
00136         fields[12] >> cfTdcHistogramChannel;
00137         fAdc.AddToChannel(adcMap, detectorChannel);
00138         fAdc.AddToMap(detectorChannel, adcMap);
00139         fAdc.AddToOffset(detectorChannel, adcOffset);
00140         fAdc.AddToGain(detectorChannel, adcGain);
00141         fAdc.AddToHistogramMap(detectorChannel, adcHistogramChannel);
00142         fLeTdc.AddToChannel(leTdcMap, detectorChannel);
00143         fLeTdc.AddToMap(detectorChannel, leTdcMap);
00144         fLeTdc.AddToOffset(detectorChannel, leTdcOffset);
00145         fLeTdc.AddToGain(detectorChannel, leTdcGain);
00146         fLeTdc.AddToHistogramMap(detectorChannel, leTdcHistogramChannel);
00147         fCfTdc.AddToChannel(cfTdcMap, detectorChannel);
00148         fCfTdc.AddToMap(detectorChannel, cfTdcMap);
00149         fCfTdc.AddToOffset(detectorChannel, cfTdcOffset);
00150         fCfTdc.AddToGain(detectorChannel, cfTdcGain);
00151         fCfTdc.AddToHistogramMap(detectorChannel, cfTdcHistogramChannel);
00152         delete row;
00153         delete [] fields;
00154       }
00155       fAdc.SetBitMask();
00156       fLeTdc.SetBitMask();
00157       fCfTdc.SetBitMask();
00158     }
00159     delete result;
00160   } else
00161     cerr << "FindCalibration: ERROR - could not obtain database information"
00162          << endl;
00163 }
00165 TMySQLResult * TGrCalibration::GetDatabaseInfo(const Char_t *detectorName)
00166 {
00176   TMySQLResult *result = 0;
00177   if (! detectorName) {
00178     cerr << "GetDatabaseInfo: ERROR - detector name must be set before "
00179          << "attempting to set the detector calibration" << endl;
00180   } else {
00181     string sql("SELECT * FROM ");
00183     sql.append(detectorName);
00184     sql.append(" ORDER BY `adc map`;");
00185     TMySQLServer connect(fDatabase.c_str(), "dragon", "dragonTail");
00186     result = static_cast<TMySQLResult *>(connect.Query(sql.c_str()));
00187   }
00188   return result;
00189 }

Generated on Mon Jan 8 11:54:31 2007 for DragonRoot by  doxygen