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00001 //  TDsssdDetector.cxx.
00011 #include <iostream>
00013 #include <TH3F.h>
00014 #include <TH2F.h>
00015 #include <TCutG.h>
00017 #include "TDsssdDetector.h"
00018 #include "TSubEvent.h"
00019 #include "THit.h"
00021 using std::cout;
00022 using std::endl;
00024 TDsssdDetector::TDsssdDetector(const Char_t *name, UInt_t channels,
00025                                Float_t stripWidth, Float_t stripSpacing)
00026   : THiDetector(name, channels), fStripWidth(stripWidth),
00027     fStripSpacing(stripSpacing)
00028 {
00038 }
00040 TDsssdDetector::~TDsssdDetector()
00041 {
00044 }
00046 void TDsssdDetector::Print(const Char_t *option) const
00047 {
00054   cout <<"DSSSD detector:" << endl;
00055   THiDetector::Print(option);
00056 }
00058 void TDsssdDetector::SetSignals(const TSubEvent &subEvent)
00059 {
00068   const vector<TDataItem<UShort_t> > &adcs = subEvent.GetAdcs();
00069   const vector<TDataItem<UShort_t> > &tdcs = subEvent.GetTdcs();
00071   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < adcs.size(); i++)
00072     if (fCalib.GetAdc().TestChannel(adcs[i].GetChannel())) {
00073       fAdcs.push_back(&adcs[i]);
00074       fHit = true;
00075     }
00076   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < tdcs.size(); i++)
00077     if (fCalib.GetTdc().TestChannel(tdcs[i].GetChannel())) {
00078       fTdcs.push_back(&tdcs[i]);
00079     }
00080 }
00082 void TDsssdDetector::FindHits(vector<THit> *hits) const
00083 {
00094   //
00095   // channel number _has_ to be less than the number of channels
00096   // (0-based indexing).
00097   //
00098   UShort_t chansOneSide = GetChannels() / 2;
00099   THit p;
00101   //
00102   // split energy vector according to front and back
00103   // channels then sort energies according to size
00104   //
00105   vector<const TDataItem<Float_t> *> hitsB;
00106   vector<const TDataItem<Float_t> *> hitsF;
00108   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fEnergies.size(); i++)
00109     fEnergies[i]->GetChannel() < chansOneSide ?
00110       hitsF.push_back(fEnergies[i]) : hitsB.push_back(fEnergies[i]);
00111   sort(hitsF.begin(), hitsF.end(), GreaterValue<Float_t>());
00112   sort(hitsB.begin(), hitsB.end(), GreaterValue<Float_t>());
00114   //
00115   // now assume front and back hits are paired by energy and
00116   // must have a front and back signal to count as a real hit
00117   //
00118   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < hitsF.size(); i++) {
00119     p.SetDetector(GetName());
00120     p.SetEnergy(hitsF[i]->GetValue());
00121     for (UInt_t j = 0; j < fTimes.size(); j++)
00122       if (fTimes[j]->GetChannel() == hitsF[i]->GetChannel()) {
00123         p.SetTime(fTimes[j]->GetValue());
00124         break;
00125       }
00126     if (i < hitsB.size()) {
00127       TVector3 xyz = GetPosition(hitsF[i]->GetChannel(),
00128                                  hitsB[i]->GetChannel() - chansOneSide);
00129       p.SetPosition(xyz.x(), xyz.y(), xyz.z());
00130     }
00131     hits->push_back(p);
00132   }
00133 }
00135 void TDsssdDetector::GetStripsXY(vector<UShort_t> &stripsX,
00136                                  vector<UShort_t> &stripsY) const
00137 {
00146   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fEnergies.size(); i++)
00147     if (fEnergies[i]->GetChannel() < GetChannels() / 2)
00148       stripsX.push_back(fEnergies[i]->GetChannel());
00149   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fEnergies.size(); i++)
00150     if (fEnergies[i]->GetChannel() >= GetChannels() / 2) 
00151       stripsY.push_back(fEnergies[i]->GetChannel());
00152 }
00154 TVector3 TDsssdDetector::GetPosition(UShort_t stripF,
00155                                      UShort_t stripB) const
00156 {
00164   Float_t x = (stripF + 0.5) * fStripWidth + stripF * fStripSpacing;
00165   Float_t y = (stripB + 0.5) * fStripWidth + stripB * fStripSpacing;
00166   Float_t z = fCoordinates.Z();
00167   UShort_t frontStrips = GetChannels() / 2;
00168   Float_t width = frontStrips * fStripWidth + (frontStrips - 1) * fStripSpacing;
00170   x -= width / 2 + fCoordinates.X();
00171   y -= width / 2 + fCoordinates.Y();
00172   return TVector3(x, y, z);
00173 }
00175 Bool_t TDsssdDetector::PlotAdcTdcHitPattern(TH2F *hist, const TCutG *cut,
00176                                             Bool_t option) const
00177 {
00190   Bool_t status = false;
00192   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fEnergies.size(); i++)
00193     for (UInt_t j = 0; j < fTimes.size(); j++) {
00194       UInt_t x = fCalib.GetTdc().GetHistogramMap(fTimes[j]->GetChannel());
00195       UInt_t y = fCalib.GetAdc().GetHistogramMap(fEnergies[i]->GetChannel());
00196       if (cut && cut->IsInside(x, y))
00197         status = true;
00198       if (option || status)
00199         hist->Fill(x, y);
00200     }
00201   return status;
00202 }
00204 Bool_t TDsssdDetector::PlotAdcHitPattern(TH2F *hist, const TCutG *cut,
00205                                          Bool_t option) const
00206 {
00219   Bool_t status = false;
00221   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fEnergies.size(); i++) {
00222     UInt_t x;
00223     UInt_t y;
00224     if ((x = fCalib.GetAdc().GetHistogramMap(fEnergies[i]->GetChannel())) <
00225         GetChannels() / 2)
00226       for (UInt_t j = 0; j < fEnergies.size(); j++)
00227         if ((y = fCalib.GetAdc().GetHistogramMap(fEnergies[j]->GetChannel()))
00228             >= GetChannels() / 2) {
00229           if (cut && cut->IsInside(x, y))
00230             status = true;
00231           if (option || status)
00232             hist->Fill(x, y);
00233         }
00234   }
00235   return status;
00236 }
00238 Bool_t TDsssdDetector::PlotFrontEvT(TH2F *hist, Float_t time,
00239                                     const TCutG *cut, Bool_t option) const
00240 {
00253   Bool_t status = false;
00255   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fEnergies.size(); i++) 
00256     if (fEnergies[i]->GetChannel() < GetChannels() / 2) {
00257       Float_t energy = fEnergies[i]->GetValue();
00258       if (cut && cut->IsInside(time, energy))
00259         status = true;
00260       if (option || status)
00261         hist->Fill(time, energy);
00262     }
00263   return status;
00264 }
00266 void TDsssdDetector::PlotAdcNAdcPEnergyP(TH3F *hist) const
00267 {
00272   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fEnergies.size(); i++)
00273     if (fCalib.GetAdc().GetHistogramMap(fEnergies[i]->GetChannel()) <
00274         GetChannels() / 2)
00275       for (UInt_t j = 0; j < fEnergies.size(); j++)
00276         if (fCalib.GetAdc().GetHistogramMap(fEnergies[j]->GetChannel()) >=
00277             GetChannels() / 2)
00278           hist->Fill(
00279             fCalib.GetAdc().GetHistogramMap(fEnergies[i]->GetChannel()),
00280             fCalib.GetAdc().GetHistogramMap(fEnergies[j]->GetChannel()),
00281             fEnergies[i]->GetValue());
00282 }

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