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00001 //  TDetector.cxx.
00010 #include <iostream>
00011 #include <iomanip>
00013 #include "TDetector.h"
00014 #include "THit.h"
00016 using std::cout;
00017 using std::cerr;
00018 using std::endl;
00019 using std::setw;
00021 TDetector::TDetector(const Char_t *name, UInt_t channels)
00022   : fHit(false), fChannels(channels), fName(name)
00023 {
00029   fEnergies.reserve(channels);
00030   fTimes.reserve(channels);
00031 }
00033 TDetector::TDetector(const TDetector &rhs)
00034 {
00039   vector<const TDataItem<Float_t> *>::const_iterator it;
00040   vector<const TDataItem<Float_t> *>::const_iterator end;
00041   for (it = rhs.fEnergies.begin(), end = rhs.fEnergies.end(); it < end; it++)
00042     fEnergies.push_back(*it);
00043   for (it = rhs.fTimes.begin(), end = rhs.fTimes.end(); it < end; it++)
00044     fTimes.push_back(*it);
00045   fCoordinates = rhs.fCoordinates;
00046   fHit         = rhs.fHit;
00047   fChannels    = rhs.fChannels;
00048   fName        = rhs.fName;
00049 }
00051 TDetector::~TDetector()
00052 {
00055   Clear();
00056 }
00058 TDetector & TDetector::operator=(const TDetector &rhs)
00059 {
00065   if (&rhs != this) {
00066     vector<const TDataItem<Float_t> *>::const_iterator it;
00067     vector<const TDataItem<Float_t> *>::const_iterator end;
00068     Clear();
00069     for (it = rhs.fEnergies.begin(), end = rhs.fEnergies.end(); it < end; it++)
00070       fEnergies.push_back(*it);
00071     for (it = rhs.fTimes.begin(), end = rhs.fTimes.end(); it < end; it++)
00072       fTimes.push_back(*it);
00073     fCoordinates = rhs.fCoordinates;
00074     fHit         = rhs.fHit;
00075     fChannels    = rhs.fChannels;
00076     fName        = rhs.fName;
00077   }
00078   return *this;
00079 }
00081 void TDetector::Clear(const Char_t *option)
00082 {
00086   vector<const TDataItem<Float_t> *>::iterator it;
00087   vector<const TDataItem<Float_t> *>::iterator end;
00088   for (it = fEnergies.begin(), end = fEnergies.end(); it < end; it++)
00089     delete *it;
00090   fEnergies.clear();
00091   for (it = fTimes.begin(), end = fTimes.end(); it < end; it++)
00092     delete *it;
00093   fTimes.clear();
00094   fHit = false;
00095 }
00097 void TDetector::Print(const Char_t *option) const
00098 {
00102   if (! fChannels)
00103     cout << "Print: WARNING - detector channels set to 0" << endl;
00104   if (fName.empty())
00105     cout << "Print: WARNING - detector name not set"      << endl;
00106   else {
00107     cout << "Detector " << fName << " with " << fChannels;
00108     fChannels != 1 ? cout << " channels" << endl : cout << " channel" << endl;
00109   }
00110   fCoordinates.Print();
00111 }
00113 void TDetector::PrintData() const
00114 {
00118 }
00120 void TDetector::Calibrate()
00121 {
00126 }
00128 Bool_t
00129 TDetector::PlotEnergies(TH2F *hist, const TCutG *cut, Bool_t option) const
00130 {
00141   return false;
00142 }
00144 Bool_t TDetector::PlotTimes(TH2F *hist, const TCutG *cut, Bool_t option) const
00145 {
00156   return false;
00157 }
00159 Bool_t TDetector::PlotEvT(TH2F *hist, Float_t time,
00160                           const TCutG *cut, Bool_t option) const
00161 {
00174   return false;
00175 }
00177 void TDetector::FindHits(vector<THit> *hits) const
00178 {
00186 }
00188 Float_t TDetector::GetMaxEnergy() const
00189 {
00193   vector<const TDataItem<Float_t> *>::const_iterator max =
00194     max_element(fEnergies.begin(), fEnergies.end(), GreaterValue<Float_t>());
00195   return (max != fEnergies.end()) ? (*max)->GetValue() : 0;
00196 }

Generated on Mon Jan 8 11:54:31 2007 for DragonRoot by  doxygen