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00001 //  TCalibration.cxx.
00011 #include <iostream>
00012 #include <iomanip>
00014 #include "TCalibration.h"
00016 using std::cout;
00017 using std::cerr;
00018 using std::endl;
00019 using std::setw;
00020 using std::setfill;
00021 using std::hex;
00022 using std::dec;
00024 TCalibration::TCalibration(UShort_t channels)
00025   : fChannels(channels), fCalSet(false),
00026     fBits(sizeof(UInt_t) * 8), fMaskMax(0), fBitMask(0)
00027 {
00036   SetChannels(channels);
00037 }
00039 TCalibration::TCalibration(const TCalibration &rhs)
00040 {
00045   fChannels = rhs.fChannels;
00046   fCalSet   = rhs.fCalSet;
00047   fChannel  = rhs.fChannel;
00048   fMap      = rhs.fMap;
00049   fOffset   = rhs.fOffset;
00050   fGain     = rhs.fGain;
00051   fMapH     = rhs.fMapH;
00052   fBits     = rhs.fBits;
00053   fMaskMax  = rhs.fMaskMax;
00054   fBitMask  = new UInt_t[rhs.fMaskMax];
00055   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < rhs.fMaskMax; i++)
00056     fBitMask[i] = rhs.fBitMask[i];
00057 }
00059 TCalibration::~TCalibration()
00060 {
00065   if (fBitMask) delete [] fBitMask;
00066 }
00068 TCalibration & TCalibration::operator=(const TCalibration &rhs)
00069 {
00075   if (&rhs != this) {
00076     Clear();
00077     fChannels = rhs.fChannels;
00078     fCalSet   = rhs.fCalSet;
00079     fChannel  = rhs.fChannel;
00080     fMap      = rhs.fMap;
00081     fOffset   = rhs.fOffset;
00082     fGain     = rhs.fGain;
00083     fMapH     = rhs.fMapH;
00084     fBits     = rhs.fBits;
00085     fMaskMax  = rhs.fMaskMax;
00086     fBitMask  = new UInt_t[rhs.fMaskMax];
00087     for (UInt_t i = 0; i < rhs.fMaskMax; i++)
00088       fBitMask[i] = rhs.fBitMask[i];
00089   }
00090   return *this;
00091 }
00093 void TCalibration::Clear(const Char_t *option)
00094 {
00104   fCalSet = false;
00105   if (! fMap.empty())    fMap.clear();
00106   if (! fGain.empty())   fGain.clear();
00107   if (! fOffset.empty()) fOffset.clear();
00108   if (! fMapH.empty())   fMapH.clear();
00109   if (fBitMask)
00110     delete [] fBitMask;
00111   fBitMask = 0;
00112 }
00114 void TCalibration::Print(const Char_t *option) const
00115 {
00123   //
00124   // Note that spaces _and_ setw() calls are used, this is so that if
00125   // the value being printed exceeds the set width there is still a
00126   // space after the previous value.
00127   //
00128   if (fCalSet) {
00129     cout << "Channel:   Map:     Gain:   Offset:  Histogram Map:"  << endl;
00130     for (UShort_t i = 0; i < fChannels; i++)
00131       cout << setw(8)  << dec << i << " " << setw(6) << fMap[i]    << " "
00132            << setw(9)  << fGain[i] << " " << setw(9) << fOffset[i] << " "
00133            << setw(15) << fMapH[i] << endl;
00134     if (fBitMask) {
00135       cout << "Bit-mask = 0x";
00136       for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fMaskMax; i++)
00137         cout << hex << setw(4) << setfill('0') << fBitMask[i];
00138       cout << setfill(' ') << endl << "         = ";
00139       for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fMaskMax; i++) {
00140         for (UInt_t j = 0; j < fBits; j++) {
00141           Bool_t bit = (fBitMask[i] >> j & 1 ? 1 : 0);
00142           cout << dec << bit;
00143         }
00144         cout << " ";
00145       }
00146     }
00147     cout << endl;
00148   } else
00149     cerr << "Print: ERROR - no calibration set, using default" << endl;
00150 }
00152 void TCalibration::SetChannels(UInt_t channels)
00153 {
00158   if (fCalSet == true) {
00159     cerr << "SetChannels: ERROR - calibration already set," << endl
00160          << "call Clear() first to enable resize"           << endl;
00161   } else {
00162     fChannel.resize(channels);
00163     fMap.resize(channels);
00164     fGain.resize(channels, 1);
00165     fOffset.resize(channels, 0);
00166     fMapH.resize(channels);
00167     for (UInt_t i = 0; i < channels; i++) {
00168       fChannel[i] = i;
00169       fMap[i]     = i;
00170       fMapH[i]    = i;
00171     }
00172     fChannels = channels;
00173     SetBitMask();
00174   }
00175 }
00177 void TCalibration::SetBitMask()
00178 {
00187   UInt_t max = 0;
00189   if (fChannels > 0)
00190     max = *(max_element(fMap.begin(), fMap.end()));
00191   fMaskMax = max / fBits + 1;
00192   if (fBitMask)
00193     delete [] fBitMask;
00194   fBitMask = new UInt_t[fMaskMax];
00195   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fMaskMax; i++)
00196     fBitMask[i] = 0;
00197   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fMap.size(); i++)
00198     fBitMask[fMap[i] / fBits] |= (1 << fMap[i] % fBits);
00199   fCalSet = true;
00200 }
00202 void TCalibration::AddToChannel(UInt_t map, UShort_t channel)
00203 {
00211   if (map >= fChannel.size())
00212     fChannel.resize(map + 1);
00213   fChannel[map] = channel;
00214 }
00216 void TCalibration::AddToMap(UInt_t channel, UShort_t map)
00217 {
00224   fMap[channel] = map;
00225 }
00227 void TCalibration::AddToOffset(UInt_t channel, Short_t offset)
00228 {
00234   fOffset[channel] = offset;
00235 }
00237 void TCalibration::AddToGain(UInt_t channel, Float_t gain)
00238 {
00244   fGain[channel] = gain;
00245 }
00247 void TCalibration::AddToHistogramMap(UInt_t channel, UShort_t map)
00248 {
00254   fMapH[channel] = map;
00255 }
00257 void
00258 TCalibration::Calibrate(const vector<const TDataItem<UShort_t> *> &rawSignals,
00259                         vector<const TDataItem<Float_t> *> &calSignals) const
00260 {
00268   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < rawSignals.size(); i++) {
00269     Short_t c = fChannel[rawSignals[i]->GetChannel()];
00270     Float_t v = fGain[c] * (rawSignals[i]->GetValue() - fOffset[c]);
00271     calSignals.push_back(new TDataItem<Float_t>(c, v));
00272   }
00273 }

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