Producing Efficiency Numbers for the DRAGON BGO Gamma Ray Array The most current version of the GEANT3.21 DRAGON, BGO gamma ray array is set to produce efficiency numbers for isotropic point source situated at any position within the gas target. This version contains a version of the array geometry accurate as of March 2005. The following procedure will produce spectra or raw data numbers which will allow a user to calculate the efficiency of the array for a given gamma energy, threshold, and source position. Also possible is the calculation for a situation involving a cascade. In this documentation the symbol "^" represents the "ctrl key" on the keyboard. 1) Open a terminal on any linux machine and login to the "dragon" account on using a ssh connection. 2) Switch to the directory containing the array executable by using the command: "cd gamdet/gbox_v5_trials/gbox_mod/v12" 3) Create a NEW directory in this location and copy all the files in the subdirectory "sample" in the "v12" directory using the following sequence: "mkdir datanamedir" "cp -r sample/* datanamedir" DO NOT ALTER THE FILES IN THE SAMPLE DIRECTORY. 4) Your new directory should contain the following 4 files: "go,convertdata.kumac,z0e500.ffcards,z0e535125.ffcards and 1 directory: "rawdata" 5) To produce a simulation for the case of a single gamma ray, use an editor such as "pico" to open the file z0e500.ffcards. e.g. "pico z0e500.ffcards". This file contains all properties necessary to run the simulation for your specific situation. 6) There are 3 parameters in this file that should be altered in this case. DO NOT ALTER OTHER PARAMETERS UNLESS YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH GEANT3.21 AND YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. IF YOU DO MAKE CHANGES LEAVE THESE INSTRUCTION NOW AS THE RESULTS MAY NOT FOLLOW THE REST OF THE STEPS. a) The first parameter that should be altered is the "RUNG" parameter. The current value should be "5000". The number gives a unique identifier to the PAW hbooks or raw data files that will be produced with the simulation is run. The number must be 8 digits or less. b) The second paramter that can be changed is the "TRIG" parameter. This should currently be set to 100000. This is the number of gamma events that will generated by the source. This is sufficient for most purposes. Note the value that this parameter is set to. It is the denominator in the efficiency calculation. c) The third paramater, "KINE", is near the end of the file. (Scroll down using the arrow keys or ^v in pico.) This parameter contains 11 settings. The first parameter determines the number of gamma produced at the origin. Shold be "1" in this case. The next three paramters determine the origin in x,y and z of the source. For a source in the center of the target these should all be set to "0". The next three parameters determine the source distribution and should be all set to "0" for a point source. Setting 8 is the energy of the gamma source in MeV. Settings 9,10,11 determine the source emmittance and should all be "0" for an isotropic distribution. 7) Once the changes are made save the file by giving it a unique name AND the extension "ffcards". e.g. "z0e500.ffcards". Use ^o in pico. Exit the editor. Use ^x in pico. 8) To run your simulation issue the simulation executable command: "./go" You will be asked for the name of your ffcards file. Enter it without the ffcards extension. e.g. "z0e500". The simulation will run until all events are generated. You may run several simulations simulataneously by issuing multiple "./go" commands. You may track the progress of your simulation by using the following command: "tail -f yourfile.log". Where "yourfile" is the name you saved your file with. e.g. "tail -f z0e500.log". You will see the number of events generated scrolling down the screen. Press ^c to exit. 9) Open PAW in a terminal using: "paw++&" 10) The simulation results can be analyzed using paw or taken to an outside program by exporting the hbook spectra to a one column text file. If you are going to export the data for use later then at this point open the file in your directory called "convertdata.kumac". Modify the line that begins with "hist/file 0 ..." so that paw searches in your directory for the histogram files. e.g. change "sample" to "yourdirectory". Modify the line "vec/write ..." similarily. Save and exit. If you are going to analyze outside PAW++ skip to step 15 now. 11) In the "PAW++ Main Browser" window click on "Hbook" in the left panel to bring up the list of hbooks. Find your hbook and double click it. When you open the hbook it will be linked to a logic unit number or LUN. These are shown in the same panel. Click on the appropriate LUN. 12) Several spectra will appear in the right panel. Scroll through the spectra until you reach number "200". Click on this spectra. It should appear to your right in the "Paw++ Graphics 1" window. 13) The spectra are 1000 bins and 10.0 MeV full scale. Go the graphics window and using the mouse click and hold on the bin that represents the energy threshold you would like to use. Drag the mouse over the entire spectra until you are beyond the full energy gamma peak. An information window will come up telling you how many counts are in the area you integrated. Use the "integration" number in the information window to determine the counts. 14) Take this number and divide it by the number you found in step 6b. This is the efficiency of the array for your conditions. 15) If you are analyzing outside PAW++ the spectra can be dumped to a on column ascii file containing 1000 lines (one for each bin) where each line is a number giving the number of counts in that bin. Click on the "Macro" option in the Paw++ Main Browser window. You should see the convertdata.kumac. 16) Click on the convertdata.kumac macro to start it. The macro will ask you for the histogram name "hisname" you would like to dump. Enter the number you set in step 6a. You can continue to convert data. When you are finished enter "quit" for the histogram name. The data will be written to the "rawdata" sudirectory in your working directory. The files will be given names in the form xxxxxxxx.dat. Where xxxxxxxx is the number you entered in 6a. You can then use this data as you need it. This information is current as of March 2005. Changes or improvements to this procedure are welcome as long as they are thoroughly tested and documented appropriately. Send questions to: Dario Gigliotti ( Last Modified: March 14, 2004 DG