Operating the DRAGON CCD ------------------------ Outlined below are the basic steps needed to use the CCD to tune the DRAGON beam. If the use of additional features is needed, please consult the Help menu in the MaxIm DL program, or find a DRAGON CCD expert. 1. Login to isdaq04 and open a shell window. 2. In the window, type >vncviewer You will then be asked to enter a "VNC server". Enter "" at the prompt. The password to access this computer is "dragonTail". If you are unable to connect to the VNC server remotely, check to see that the server is turned on. To do this, login to the DRAGON Camera PC, located on the ground floor of the ISAC building directly east of DRAGON's MD1. If presented with a login screen, login to the computer (the password is "dragonTail"). Then, under the "Start" menu, select "Programs:TightVNC:Launch TightVNC Server". A small icon should appear in the menu bar to the left of the time, and the server will be turned on. Alternatively, you may operate the DRAGON Camera PC directly. 3. At this point, you should be able to see what is currently being displayed on the DRAGON Camera PC, either through the vncviewer, or by operating the computer directly. On the desktop, click on the icon labeled "MaxIm DL". (It looks like a telescope, with a crescent moon to the top right.) This will open the program that controls the CCD. 4. Once the program has been loaded, open the "CCD Control Window." This window is accessible through the "View" menu. 5. In this window, click on the "Setup" tab. Check to see that the "Main CCD Camera" selected is "SX MX7/9 USB," and then click on "Connect". If the connection was successful, a message should appear in the "Main CCD Camera" window stating "Cooler is off, Set -20.0 Temp." If the connection was not successful, check that the CCD is connected to the USB. 6. Once connected, click on the "Focus" tab in the "Maxim CCD" window. In this window, check that the "CCD" option has been selected, a "Delay" of 0 seconds has been set, and that the "Continuous" mode. is on. If a "Subframe" has been set (i.e. if "Left" and "Top" are not equal to zero), click on "Reset". This will allow you to view the entire image. 7. Select the exposure time for your image, and enter it under the heading labeled "Seconds." Click "Start Focus" to take an exposure. After a few seconds, an image will appear. If you require an exposure time of more than 10.0 seconds to see an image, you may have encountered a problem. Consult a DRAGON CCD expert for help. To test the program without beam, turn on Ion Gauge IGU3 and open the valve IV11 in EPICS. If you set the exposure time to 5.0 seconds, you should see a small circle of light to the right hand side of the image. This, we believe, is the light from the ion gauge reflected off the valve IV8 as seen through the gas target aperture. If you don't see an image, check DRAGON Optics (1) to see whether or not the BCM1 is out. If it is not out, remove it. 8. Once you have an image, "Stop" the focusing. Now, zoom in on the beam by clicking in the image frame, and drawing a box around the section of interest. You will note that the numbers in the "Subframe" box have now changed. Click "Start Focus" again. Only the selected part of the image will now be downloaded. 9. In the smaller image, the beam may appear slightly dimmer. To change the contrast of the image, open the "Screen Stretch Window" in the "View" menu. This window allows you to select the minimum (red triangle) and maximum (green triangle) intensity levels in the image. Shift the two triangles until you have a contrast you like. 10. If you wish to view the beam in colour, select "Convert MX..." from the "Color" menu. In the window that opens, check that "MX7 - Interlaced" is the selected camera and that "X Offset" is on. Then, under "Background Level", click on the "Auto" button. The "Preview Image" should now display a coloured image. Further colour adjustments can be made in the "Screen Stretch" window. Note: The resultant colour may not be the true colour of the beam. In preliminary studies, considerable adjustments were necessary to make the image the "right" colour. Apparently, this is due to a missing driver in MaxIm DL. 11. To determine the position of the beam, open the "Line Profile" window in the "View" menu. From the pull down menu, select "Horizontal Box". This will give you an intensity profile in the x-direction (if you'd like an intensity profile in the y-direction, select "Vertical Box"). From this plot, you should be able to determine the position of the edges of the beam on the image. While tuning the beam, it would desirable to maintain these at a constant position. 12. Another method for determining the position of the beam is to calculate its centroid. Open the "Information Window" in the "View" menu, and click on the center of the beam spot. A circular aperture should appear in the image window, and values for "Centroid X", "Centroid Y", and "FWHM" should appear in the Information window. If the image is in colour, separate centroids will appear for each of three colours - red, green, and blue. 13. When you are finished tuning the beam, return to the "Setup" tab in the "MaxIm CCD" window, and click "Disconnect." 14. Close the program (after saving any relevant pictures), and continue with the run. Catherine Neish 5 March 2003