Notes on use of the Leica 5005 Total station for DRAGON quad survey =================================================================== This is file /home/hutcheon/dragon/magnets/alignment/TOTALhow_to.txt on ibm00 Total station connected to power and to laptop computer. - Level Total by selecting the 'leveling' option in the menu and using the 3 leveling screws and electronic bubble. - Tell TOTAL to calibrate itself: Shift-Esc, select 'CAL' from the F-keys menu,then 'l/t' from the F-keys menu). - Check to ensure that the calibration corrections are sufficiently small (<0.0025 gon) 1.5" corner cube reflector supported on 1/2" magnetic mount with pin should fit snugly in holes on flat-tops of magnet yokes or on the fixtures mounted permanently on the quad top and outside corner. A short Al extender is needed for the 'c' points on the side of quads 1 through 8. (At the end of surveying, the extender should be left on one of the quad side fixtures.) Start program Axyz Select File|New Job. Enter name for file e.g AA-112107.Axyz for location 'A' of 21 November 2007 Select icon for station setup (Theodolite Manager) Choose Autoscan. It should identify the station as a 5005. Enter air temperature/pressure from supplied 'weather station' or else make plausible guesses if distances are not great. Specify 1-1/2" CCR (corner cube reflector). Ensure to select CCR with the additional lens option (the longer of the two options). Select icon with pair of curved arrows in opposite directions Specify average over 2 readings 'Edit' to set point parameters. Use a name such as AA-Q2b1 for the first measurement of Q2 spigot b from location 'A' AA-Q2b2 for the second measurement [magnet a,b,c points are indicated by felt-pen marking on the or magnet tops] 'Set' Manually aim Total at the CCR. Press the wee button on the side of the black knob. Total should lock on the CCR then, after a few seconds, plunge and rotate 180 degrees for a second opinion. Horizontal and vertical dip angles ('gons' !! 100 gons per right angle) and distance in mm should be plausible. 'Job|Workpiece|DEFAULT measurements to see results. Take a second measurement. 'Edit' again: point ID should have automatically incremented to a last digit '2'. 'Set' Repeat for all magnets of interest. For comparison with earlier work, data set must include points MD1b and MD2b. Sometimes the 5005 ends up pointing into the blue yonder, instead of the corner cube; in that case it has to be re-aimed at the corner cube and the measurement repeated. Delete the erroneous measurement in Axyz by highlighting the measurement and selecting 'delete' from the right-click menu. ENsure that the TOTAL station display reads the correct name for the new measurement just prior to making that measurement, as sometimes it gets confused. Transform coordinate system: 1. 'Translate' to point MD2b1 2. 'Rotate' about the x axis by 100 gons Note the y value of MD1b1 3. 'Axis align' using MD2b1 origin; axis 1 to MD1b1 with a Y offset equal to the MD1b1 value noted above; vertical plane for axis 2 is y Save the .Axyz file. dh 12 Dec 2007 HOW TO PERFORM TOTAL STATION MEASUREMENTS - March 16, 2010 ================================================================ - before making any measurements, be sure that there is a clean line of sight between the TDA5005 and all points to be measured from the monument position. - press the "ON" button on TDA - press the button with an image of an envelope for rough manual level - use the three knobs at the bottom of the TDA to make the alignment. Turn the TDA so that the lens points along the centre of the equilateral triangle formed by the three knobs, thus splitting the traingle into two identical 30-60-90 triangles. Use the two knobs that form the base of the triangle with equal and opposite turns to level laterally. Use the knob at the tip of the triangle to level the TDA longitudinally. When the TDA is level, press "Shift" followed by "Escape" twice when both tilts are <= 0.001 - press F2 for "Cal." - press F1 for "l,t." - press F3 for "meas." - if l comp and t comp are both <=0.0010, then press F5 for "yes" under "Accept new values?" - press Shift" followed by ESC" - press the yellow carriage return button to start the Axyz program. - start laptop and login - double-click to star the program Axyz CDM. Be patient, the laptop is slow! - when the program "Leica Axyz CDM" is running, click "New" under "File" - name the new file "AA/BB/CC-2010.01.29," for example - click the "+" to expand the tree under "Work Piece" - click "DEFAULT" - click the icon that looks like the TDA with the label "Theodolite Manager" when moused-over - a "Station Setup" window should open. Click "AutoScan." The program should automatically detect the TDA5005. Click "OK." - an "Atmospheric Correction" window should open. Click "OK." - click the icon with the label "ATR" on mouse-over. the icon's button should stay depressed. - click the icon with the "Average Measurement" label on mouse-over. A "Set and Read" window should open. - click "Edit" to name the measurement point. The default naming scheme is POINT ID: DEFAULT/98c1, for quad 8, point c, for example. After entering the name, click "Set." - align the TDA with the corner cube. Press the small silver ball-bearing like button on the arm of the TDA. The TDA should measure, then rotate to the opposite orientation. The display should show a roman numeral II. - press the small button on the arm of the TDA again. It should measure and rotate again. The number at the end of the POINT ID should increment to be one larger. Click the button again to take a second measurement. When the TDA has finished, the first measurement and the roman numeral II shows, click one more time to finish the second measurement. - if the measurements look good, return to the "Set and Read" window and edit the point to a new one. For examp,e, "q8b1" - repeat until there is an error before two averaged measurements are complete. If/when there is an error: - check the corner cube alignment - reset the TDA to measurement 1, position I - reset the point to 1 in the "Set and Read" window on the laptop by clicking "Edit" and changing the name to 1 if it is not already. click "Set." - press the button on the TDA arm and press "YES" when asked whether to overwrite previous measurement - check whether the point number on the TDA increments when remeasureing. If it doesn't, set the point again on the laptop. Written by SS March 2010.