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Operating the DRAGON CCD

Outlined below are the basic steps needed to set up and operated the CCD to tune the DRAGON beam through the gas target.

  1. Login to the DRAGON camera PC located on the East side of DRAGON next to MD1. Password is the usual DRAGON password. Please contact a DRAGON expert for the password in case it is unknown.

  2. Make sure, the CCD camera is connected to the PC via a firewire cable. A green light at the back of the CCD (see Fig.1), next to the firewire output indicates that the camera is connected.

    Fig.1 - DRAGON CCD camera.

  3. Open the program Point Grey FlyCap2. A pop-up window for camera selection will appear. Select Grasshopper Express GX-FW-28S5M and click OK.

  4. To adjust essential camera settings such as brightness, exposure, sharpness and shutter settings click on Settings and select Toggle Camera Control Dialog.

    Start settings (see Fig.2) at which it should be possible to see the reflected light from the ion gauge are shown in the picture below.

    Fig.2 - Flycapture example start settings.
  5. To set up the camera without beam once the program is running, turn on Ion Gauge IGU3 and open the valve IV11 in EPICS. Of course this requires the vacuum on either side of the valve to be good enough to satisfy the interlock conditions.

    If the camera is already focused on the gas target aperture and you have entered the correct start settings in the FlyCapture program, you should see a small circle of light in the image frame, surrounded by a diffused circle of light. This, we believe, is the light from the ion gauge reflected off the valve IV8 as seen through the gas target aperture. If you don't see an image, check DRAGON Optics (1) to see whether or not diagnostics such as FC1 and PROFCH are blocking the line of sight. If they are not out, remove them.

  6. If you still don't see anything on the image frame, the camera focus might be off. This might happen when the camera is removed to open the quartz window on MD1. In that case start to slowly scan through the focus range of the camera while watching the image frame. The intensity may be relatively weak and the image a bit tricky to find at the beginning.

  7. Once you're focused on the aperture, zoom in and mark the center of the spot with a cross hair by going to View->Draw Crosshair. To center the cross hair go to View->Change Crosshair Dimensions and adjust the coordinates.

  8. At this point you're done setting up the CCD for the operators to use. Ensure that nobody accidentally moves the camera or changes any of the camera settings at this point.

  9. Give the operators the IP address ( to connect to the machine remotely. VNC is already installed on the windows machine. To connect to the machine there are various possibilities:

    • Connect via VNC server (installed on isdaq07 located in ISAC I counting room)

    • Open a terminal for example on isdaq07 in the ISAC I counting room and type vncserver. This will prompt a login window asking for:


      password: d...T... (ask DRAGON expert if password is unknown)

    Note: Only one remote user can connect to the machine via VNC server at a time.

  10. Online, when beam is tuned through the DRAGON gas target, make sure to cover the quartz window (see Fig.3) upstream of the DRAGON beamline. Otherwise light shining through that window will be too bright to see the beam spot. The window is located just downstream of the junction of the HEBT and HEBT2 beamlines.
  11. Fig.3 - Quartz window.

Catherine Neish
5 March 2003

Updated 26/Oct/2003
Aaron Bebington

Updated 7/Apr/2004
Dave Hutcheon

Updated 20/June/2008
Dave Hutcheon

Updated 18/January/2019
Annika Lennarz